Friday, September 19, 2008


Manage your credit card debt

Went shopping without realising what you have done. You got yourself under debt? Don't worry there is always a way out . Follow the tips to solve your credit card debt problem.

Stop using the card

Stop using your card. You will just increase your debt if you continue using it. Use cash or another card till you clear your debt on this one.

Switch cards

Another bank will be more than happy to take you on, so they will offer a balance transfer.They pay the money you owe your bank on your card; in return, you take a card with them instead.

Debt Management

Compare debt management plans using
our calculator - Search online now!

Take personal loan

Nowadays banks call you and offer you a personal loan . If you work for a select list of companies, you will get the loan at a cheaper rate than what is available to others. Take this loan and pay back your card debt because paying back this loan will be much cheaper.

Hope this helps your credit card debt. Feel free to ask anything.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Clear your debts by voicing your Opinion!

Wanna earn extra money and clear your debts as well? Do you own anything? Thats right anything and you have your opinion regarding it. Good or bad view about it. If you spent a night at a hotel(I guess a debt-ridden person goes to hotels!) or you had a haircut or you went to some destination for your holidays(I doubt if debt-ridden people take holidays!), then you get paid to voice your opinions at this site. You can earn upto $2 if your review is valuable or worst case scenario you earn 40 cents for it plus each vote to your review gets you another 10 cents. This site can really help you with more information.

Get paid to have an opinion as your opinion is very much valuable and this site really can clear your debts if you could review everything you see around you or services you receive. How joyful you will be when you repay all your loans with interest!! Feel free to ask any questions.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Clear your debts with!

Are you a freelance writer? Or are you a wannabe writer? Ok this may sound silly to you, as this site is about clearing your debts. So here is my genuine question-Do you want to clear your debts by simply writing articles in your free time? Free time! You will say which debt-ridden guy has free time. Ok then any time you get creative, pen your creative thinking down and submit to a site which pays to write articles and believe me they'll pay you surely.

If you've never heard before about them you'll get detailed information at this site Triond-Real promising income. You always thought how to make a recurring income which will help you clear your debts on a regular basis-on auto pilot! Yes, recurring income to help you pay your creditors.

But its not easy at first. You should write an original article never ever published before. You can write on any topic-Even on your Debt clearing Adventure! If your article gets approved, then you earn for each hit you get to your article. Payments are made by differnet modes which you can check on this blog and believe me the payout is just $0.50. So you needn't wait to long to get your money.

If you are creative and serious enough about your writing, you can earn a fortune at this site. Surely worth a visit. Check it out. A 'top ten' list or a How to article can get you more visits then any articles like on topics like astronomy or vedic mathematics.

Go, clear you debts by writing for this site.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Clear your debts smartly with Debt consolidation

What is Debt consolidation? Its simply that you make all your debts in one large one that is you streamline all your debts into one large debt. In this case you only need to repay only one large debt. This works like any other types of loans. You do not have to repay less money, but you only need to repay one large debt.

Debt consolidation works like many other types of loans at first - you apply for and get a loan that is large enough to cover your debts. Then you use the money to all the ones who credited you. You are left with one large bill to repay, often at very reasonable interest rates which an surely help you get rid off your debts.

Many new online debt consolidation services and companies, banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions offer debt help services and consolidation loans.

Some companies offer only consolidation loans as part of their services. If you decide to sign up with a debt consolidation company, you have the advantage of knowing that you will be dealing with people who specialize in this type of loan. However, do look for a company that offers a range of consolidation loans and consolidation services. This will help ensure that you will get the loan that's right for you.

Debt Management

Compare debt management plans using
our calculator - Search online now!

Since these types of loans tend to be large and have longer terms, even small changes in interest rates could end up costing - or saving - you thousands of dollars.

There is simply no point in taking on another loan if you cannot repay it. Make sure that the monthly rate for the loan is fixed (will never go up) and make sure that you can afford that monthly amount no matter what.

You will need to decide how long you will want to take to repay your loan. If you select a longer term, you will enjoy much lower monthly payments. If you are on a very modest income, this may be your best solution, even though it will cost you more in interest over the long term. If you can, you may wish to consider a shorter-term loan. However, you need to make sure that you can make the monthly payments.

You should also consider what penalty they have if you are late in repaying your loans.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Get cash back on shopping, save and pay your debts

You always think of how much you have to spend carefully on your shopping since you owe a lot to your creditors. After all you also want to clear your debts, so every dime counts, isnt it!

And you always refrained from online shopping fearing you may lose a lot of money. Well I've found out a solution for you guys. Yes, a site which pays you to shop. Every time you make a purchase, you will get paid a percentage of the price you pay. If this isn't amusing you then read this: They pay you to join their site for free. Cool!!!

This site will help you earn an income simply buying the stuff you would normally buy! You save a lot of money, good for your debt clearing adventure, isn't it! Only one catch, its only for the legal residents of United Kingdom.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Swagbucks can clear your debts! Just search and win!

Clearing your debts isn't serious anymore. Sometimes it can be fun too. you don't believe it then you'll believe me after you read this entire post.

There are some sites on the net which can seriously help you clear your debts and help you pay your creditors the loans you owe if you are active on them. Yes, if you are from the UK, USA or Canada then you can get hold of this site which is called as Swagbucks. If you aren't then just go and have fun out there, but they won't pay you. So if you are serious about clearing your debts and repaying your loans which you took from the bank keeping your house for mortgage and are not residing in UK, USA or Canada, don't go to that site. I mean don't waste your time there, go to Myhpf instead.

Swagbucks can make you happy if you are tensed as the site is known for its entertainment value. At Swagbucks you win swagbucks for your searches which is the site's virtual currency which you can exchange them for real products like gift cards, video games, etc or sell them at for actual cash. No one loses here, everyone wins! So its nice to have fun as well as earn to clear the debts. Cool, isn't it!

Friday, September 12, 2008


Snowball method to clear your debt

Here is the snowball method to resolve your debts which I have searched all over the web and brought it for you.

The method was developed by some Mr. Ramsay. It works like this:
1)List your debts from lowest to highest. This allows you to determine which of your debts you will tackle first.
2)Take the lowest one. Pay that minimum payment amount of the debts you have. The debt snowball method ensures that you maintain your good credit standing.
3)Taking your current budget into account, add a little extra amount on the minimum payment required of your smallest debt.
4)When the first debt is resolved, proceed to the second. Apply the amount you used to resolve the first debt to the second, with as much additional money as you can comfortably add. After you tackle your debts one by one you will know that paying even the highest creditor will be no problem to you, good thig lol.

Repeat this process and after that don't be amazed that your debts have cleared totally lol. You have paid all your creditors back and now you can live a happy life with no loan on your head. The method is slow, but steady.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Five genuine ways to clear your debts

This are the five genuine ways to clear your debt. Yes, read them:

1. Better money management

2. Debt management plan

3. Individual Voluntary Arrangement

4. Bankruptcy

5. Panic!

its not me who said this. Its who said this. Read it. Its worth it.

Monday, September 8, 2008


How to get rid of debts

What is the biggest problem on this planet Earth? Debts!!! isn't it!

Most people in the world have large ammounts of debt. You owe a lot of money to someone, your Bank. You took a loan. Now you are thinking about repaying it. But how?

Clearing that debt will make us all much better off and help set us up financially for the rest of our lives. This blog has been set up with the intention of helping readers clear their debts. It will aim to provide all the hints, tips and relevant links needed to get back in the black.

If you have any debt then bookmark this site(CTRL+D). Come back often and together we can clear all our debts. It's going to be a hard journey but the sooner we start, the sooner we will get there....