Saturday, May 30, 2009

Free SMS-Those under immense debt can benifit!

Hello my readers under debt.
You all know how painful it is that even after so much of debt on you you have to pay for your telephone bills needlessly.
Why do you do that? Because, you know that even in this bad times, in this times of peril ,there are your loved ones who care about you. You text them every now and then spending most of your money on SMSes.
Recently I was surfing and I came across this blog called Junkamania where i found out a great method to save your money on mobile phone bills. He gave a list of new sites which enable us to send free SMS to anyone inIndia anywhere. Its indeed worth a read.
Its worth reading as it is new and it seems he got a long long way to go in the blogosphere. He also gives how to make money from home? tips
Cheers Junkamania!
And for my readers, say updated on new wonderful methods to save your money and thus clear your debts. Bye!